Freedom Methods

Release yourself from Anxiety…Right Now

Please don’t give me one more hard-to-remember tactic or method.

Sound familiar?

That’s where these Freedom Methods come in. They are meant to be an easier relief that doesn’t add to the stress. Try them here for free, because we all need a little help sometimes.

The first, Finding Center, involves only three steps (also shown in the video):

  1. Close your eyes.

  2. Take your middle finger, either hand, and press right between your eyes above your nose. Hold here.

  3. Focus on this pressure. Eyes still closed, release them. They may even feel like they’re going cross-eyed as you focus on your finger’s pressure. Feel the spinning stop as you come into this moment. You are here. You are are safe. You are now.

The second Freedom Method, Infinite Relief and Release, get FREE ACCESS below.


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